Bick and Cynthia are both award winning with decades of experience in directing, acting, writing, voice over, theater, TV, movies, video editing and production.

Bick Smith
Technology has come a long way since Bick Smith was shooting TV news video in standard definition on 3/4 and Beta tapes. He was a reporter and anchor for various NBC affiliates in New York before making his way to Minnesota in 1992. Bick now shoots video in 4K and edits on Final Cut Pro. Despite the changes in equipment, Bick has never changed his approach to video production: Tell a compelling story.
Cynthia Schreiner Smith
Cynthia Schreiner Smith is an award-winning writer who has spent decades in the performance industry…as an actor, director and improvisational performer. She is also an award-winning writer. She and Bick pride themselves on making the creative process comfortable and for their clients.

We make people look good and sound good!